
Allegro: start selling in the Polish e-commerce segment

Rodzaj pokoju


To pole jest wymagane.
To pole jest wymagane.
To pole jest wymagane.
To pole jest wymagane.
To pole jest wymagane.
To pole jest wymagane.
Pola wymagane
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Plan wydarzenia

Welcome to Allegro!

This free, on-demand webinar is a short introduction to the platform. Learn about Allegro and our customers; it takes less than 20 minutes and should give you all the information you need to get started.


  • a short introduction to Polish e-commerce
  • Allegro in numbers
  • registration and basic platform rules
  • fees and payouts
  • order and offer management
  • visibility and promoting options
  • useful resource links


I'm the person responsible for educating all English speaking merchants on Allegro, which usually means creating various types of video and written content, making courses for international sellers and running monthly free webinars available for all merchants, as well as individual workshops. My goal is to make sure every new merchant feels comfortable and knows exactly how to grow their business on the platform.